Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Value of Landscaping

When money is scarce, homeowners tend to cut back on their landscaping costs by doing their own maintenance, foregoing enhancements, or by always choosing the lowest cost option. While it might seem that landscaping is a purely frivolous expense, the statistics do not back up this assumption. A well maintained, excellent quality landscape can improve the resale value of your home 5 - 10% according to PR Web, TLC and BankRate.com. Furthermore, buyers and renters begin forming their opinions about how the interior or the house has been kept up based on what they see as soon as they drive up to the house. Overall, studies indicate that the average landscape brings a 35% rate of return as an investment and we believe anything that earns 35% "interest" is worthy of specialized care.

Even for those who aren't planning to sell their house anytime soon, it won't pay off to scrimp on or neglect landscape maintenance. The most obvious reason for keeping your landscape in superb condition, no matter how broke you are, is the monetary risk of having to replace the plants that don't make it. If the recession deepens and nurseries are forced to close their doors, plants will become harder to find and more expensive due to the increased demand. But, on top of that, a great landscape makes staying at home nicer. Most people consider their yard to be their at home "escape" and the more it mimics their image of paradise, the happier they are staying home to enjoy their own space instead of heading out for a (likely more expensive) night on the town.

Don't let your most valuable asset be devalued from declining landscape health. Contact us today for a landscape maintenance estimate for your property.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Specimen Tree Relocation

One of the specialized services we offer at Paysage is Specimen Tree Relocation.  Due to the high price tag associated with mature trees and the protected status of others, our clients often request to have trees relocated within their landscape.  The success of transplanting or relocating large trees is dependent on many factors: size, species, age, health, soil conditions, seasonal timing, size of the rootball, and treatments applied both prior to and after transplanting.

The Tree Care Industry Association’s ANSI A300 (Part 6) on Transplanting outlines four basic transplanting methods: Balled & Wrapped, Bare Root, Boxed or Tree Spade. Paysage prefers the boxed method due to the extra protection it provides the tree during transport, which increases it’s chances of survival.

Successful tree relocation includes the following components and should be performed under the direction of a certified arborist:

     • Plant & Site Inspection
     • Timing of Transplanting
     • Excavation & Boxing
     • Pruning
     • Lifting & Transport
     • Planting
     • Post Planting Care

To maximize the survival rate of the transplanted specimen tree, it should meet all of the following requirements:

     • Specimen tree must be healthy – free of disease & insects, well irrigated, and properly fertilized.
     • Drip zone should be free of hardscape in order to facilitate the excavation of the rootball.
     • Trees are selectively pruned to match the roots to the leaf canopy.

In addition to the plant characteristics above, the following methods should be used to maximize the tree’s ability to survive:

     • Antidessicant Treatments shall begin prior to transplanting and continue post-transplanting through the entire recommended maintenance term.

     • Either the Standard or Premium Specimen Tree Boxing method will be used depending on the species & size of the tree:

     Standard Boxing
          o Prepare tree for transplanting – apply antidessecant, fertilizer, etc. as needed.
          o Excavate rootball with equipment.
          o Shave & prune rootball by hand to fit custom wood box size.
          o Set wood box around sides of root ball and band together.
          o Hold tree in box for 90 days. (The tree will receive normal landscape maintenance - including fertilizer, pest control & irrigation - while the roots develop and fill up the box.)
          o Dig a tunnel under the tree, slide box bottom underneath, then band sides and bottom together to complete the boxing process.
          o Lift & transport the tree.
          o Plant tree in new location with soil amendments.

     Premium Specimen Tree Boxing
          o Prepare tree for transplanting – apply antidessecant, fertilizer, proper irrigation, etc. for +/- 5 months.
          o Install one side of box every 2 to 3 months by digging a trench, pruning the roots, setting the wood plank against the rootball, and backfilling to hold the wood in place. Begin with one of the four side panels and install the bottom of the box last.
          o Lift & transport the tree.
          o Plant tree in new location with soil amendments.

Note: the new tree location must have ample overhead clearance and an area large enough to facilitate an adequately sized rootball.

     • Post transplanting maintenance must be provided for up to five years to ensure the tree receives the proper care it requires to thrive (watering, fertilization, pest control, pruning, etc.).

Give us a call today if you would like an estimate for relocating a tree on your property!